EcoChem Global Trading Ltd

EcoChem Global Trading Ltd is based in Nkwantanang, Ghana. The corner stone of the company has been laid in 2008; since then, we are soaring to new levels of success with each passing day.

We have a team of reliable and honest employees, engaged in various functions of the organizations. The team endeavors to offer our clientele a better-than-before experience every time they have business with us.

The resolute efforts of the workforce, combined with the efficiency in our operations, have enabled us to establish a wide-spread business network across the globe. Our extensive business network helps us in the efficient distribution of products in several countries.

Why Us?
We are one of the world’s largest Importers, Exporters and Suppliers in the domain, with thousands of clients and partners across the globe. Some of the other factors such as proactive business strategies, customer-centric approach, timely delivery of the consignments, competitive prices, etc., make us the favorites of our clients.